Disability Equal Opportunity Services & Student Success at NLTCC

NLTCC adheres to Title I and Title II of the Americans with Disablities Act. NLTCC provides reasonable accomodations to students who self-identify themselves as having special needs. Individuals will be required to provide proper documentation for verification of their disablity. Accomodations will be provided on an individual basis, based on the documentation provided, in order to offer the student every opportunity to be successful in their program and reach their employment goals. Each campus has a designated disablity coordinator who works with students to coordinate and provie necessary accomodations to help the student be successful in their program of study. The designated individuals for each campus are listed on the NLTCC website under Equal Opportunity Employer, as is the individual responsible for Section 504 for the college. Notices are posted around campus telling students who to contacgt if they need accomodations. Information regarding the provision of disablity services is also discussed in Orientation. Records regarding special needs are maintained in confidential files at each campus, separate from the permanent student record. A Disability Services Handbook is available on the college website that students and potential students can refer to. Handicapped accessible and gender-neutral bathrooms are available for use. Handicapped parking spots are reserved close to the entrances of all buildings, and ramps are provided for wheelchair accessibilty. Students may be reffered to other agencies for assistance such as the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services Office, the Office of Family Services, the Veteran's Administration, the Department of Labor, and the Deaf Action Center.