Campus Safety
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College (NLTCC) and the Board of Supervisors of the Louisiana Community and Technical College System (LCTCS) are committed to providing a positive academic and social environment for all students. In NLTCC Campuses, the safety of students, personnel, and visitors is of great importance. The campus assumes the primary role of providing a safe atmosphere in which to work and study. Policies have been adopted to comply with the requirements of the Campus Security Act (PL 101-542) each of the campuses of NLTCC. NLTCC campuses rely on local law enforcement agencies in case of emergency. In case of an emergency, a faculty or staff member will immediately notify campus administration or security. In the event that students, faculty, or staff members witness or discover a criminal/illegal activity, they should first notify the administration (campus dean and/or campus safety representative), who will then contact local law enforcement authorities. A report will be written and maintained on file. Records shall also be maintained of any illegal acts which occur during any off-campus school sponsored activities.
NLTCC's three campuses are patrolled by commissioned officers during school hours. Shreveport Campus is patrolled by Shreveport Police Department, Minden Campus is patrolled by Webster Parish Sheriff’s Office, and Mansfield Campus is patrolled by Desoto Parish Sheriff’s Office.
COLLEGE SAFETY COMMITTEE (Campus Safety Representatives)
Director of Facilities: Michael "Pat" Allen [email protected] 318-371-3035
Mansfield Campus: Melanie Geoghagan [email protected] 318-872-2243
Minden Campus: Melissa Gilcrease [email protected] 318-371-3035
Shreveport Campus Robert Brents [email protected] 318-676-7811