Consumer & Compliance Information
Disclosure of Consumer Information – Your Right to Know
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College is committed to providing students, their families and the campus community full disclosure of all consumer information as required by state and federal laws and regulations. The laws are intended to satisfy the students’ right to know and provide the opportunity for students to make fully informed choices regarding the institution they choose to attend. In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be disclosed. Much of this information is safety related or financial in nature, but other categories are included such as graduation rates, accreditation, voter registration, and more. Each topic listed gives a brief description of the information that must be disclosed. If you need assistance obtaining information listed or you would like a paper copy, please contact the Student Services department or the Campus Dean at your campus.
Paper copies of all consumer & compliance information are available at each campus.
NLTCC has a contracted, official online bookstore, TBC OnCourse, a division of Texas Book Company. Information regarding textbooks (ISBN, price, etc.) for specific courses can be found by navigating to the NLTCC Online Bookstore, select the program you are studying. A book voucher is an advance on your financial aid refund that allows you to purchase or rent books and purchase supplies at the NLTCC Online Bookstore.
For students’ convenience, NLTCC offers students the ability to purchase textbooks using their pending financial aid. In order to qualify the student must meet the following criteria:
- Register for the semester in an undergraduate degree program
- Complete the Title IV authorization form
- Satisfy ALL financial aid requirements
- Meet satisfactory academic progress standards
- Receives financial aid with an estimated credit balance or refund of $100.00 or more for the semester
- Students who have a balance from a previous term, either current or in collections, will not be eligible to participate
Book vouchers are administered by the Campus FAO and are available to students whose PELL grant funds award exceeds the amount due for tuition and other allowable fees, up to a maximum of $1000 per semester, unless there’s an exception. Book vouchers are available approximately 14 days prior to the start of each semester provided that aid has been authorized through the freeze date (census date).
Students will only be charged for the amount that they spend at the NLTCC online bookstore. If the students do not use the full amount of the voucher, their account will be adjusted to reflect their actual purchases. If they do not owe a student account balance, they will be issued a financial aid refund for the remaining amount.
NLTCC places the highest priority on your safety. We rely on community members to share our commitment and actively participate in creating a safe and secure living, learning, and working environment. Click on the Campus Safety and Annual Security Report for more details.
In order to assure compliance with Public Law 102-542, the Student Right-to-Know Act, and the Campus Security Act of 1990, NLTCC publishes the Annual Security Report of Crime Statistics. The full report may be accessed Campus Crime Statistics . The report contains statistics of occurrences of crimes such as murder, sexual offenses, burglary, and hate crimes that have occurred on campus as well as statistics for the number of arrests made on campus for liquor law violations, drug abuse violation, weapons possessions, and hate crimes. Also, please check out workforce violence policy as well.
Also, in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act), NLTCC’s Annual Crime Statistics Security Report includes data for the previous three years concerning reported crimes occurred on or around the campus. For more information about campus safety, see the Campus Safety and Security section on the student services page.
Download/View the
For additional information or concerns pertaining to safety, please contact the campus dean at your campus.
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others search for and obtain information about U.S. postsecondary institutions. It provides NLTCC data in an easy accessible manner to include general information, tuition, fees and estimated student expenses, financial aid, net price, enrollment, admissions, diversity data, retention and graduation rates, programs/majors, service members and veterans, accreditation, campus security, school comparison tool, etc.
Search for “Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College”
College Scorecard is a free consumer information tool designed to help students and others search for and obtain information about the cost of postsecondary institutions.
About Constitution Day
To encourage all Americans to learn more about the Constitution, Congress in 1956 established Constitution Week, to begin each year on September 17th, the date in 1787 when delegates to the Convention signed the Constitution. In 2004, Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia included key provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of Fiscal Year 2005 designating September 17th of each year as Constitution Day and requiring public schools and governmental offices to provide educational programs to promote a better understanding of the Constitution.
On May 24, 2005, the U.S. Department of Education released a Notice of Implementation, announcing that all educational institutions receiving federal funding must provide an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution. However, when September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, Constitution Day shall be held during the preceding or following week. Students and classes are encouraged to participate in the events scheduled for Constitution Day.
Fun and Games
Learn all about voting rights throughout history in this online game.
Find out how much you know about the Founding documents, landmark Supreme Court Cases, and historic Americans!
Test your knowledge then challenge friends and family to see if they can beat your score. See how you compare to others in your state, and nationally. See which founding father you’d vote for, which founding father you’re most like, test your knowledge with varying levels of U.S. Constitution crossword puzzles, word finds, treasure hunts and more! Can you tell what’s real or fake? Try your hand at this entertaining quiz to find out more about the founding fathers.
Online Resources
Resources from covering the Constitutional Convention, Federalists/Anti-Federalists, Ratification of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Online exhibit from the National Archives.
This annotated version of the Constitution provides the original text (left-hand column) with commentary about the meaning of the original text and how it has changed since 1789 (right-hand column).
As the Constitution is the foundation of the United States, constitutional law deals with some of the fundamental relationships within our society. This includes relationships among the states, the states and the federal government, the three branches (executive, legislative, judicial) of the federal government, and the rights of the individual in relation to both federal and state government.
Current legal topics.
In this unique anthology, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner draw on the writings of a wide array of people engaged in the problem of making popular government safe, steady, and accountable. The documents included range from the early seventeenth century to the 1830s, from the reflections of philosophers to popular pamphlets, from public debates in ratifying conventions to the private correspondence of the leading political actors of the day.
The National Constitution Center is the first and only nonprofit, nonpartisan institution devoted to the most powerful vision of freedom ever expressed: the U.S. Constitution.
Contains over 48 videos on major constitutional concepts and court cases with learning materials aligned to state standards, as well as lesson plans, online no-cost books for download, and interactive games on the origins of the Constitution.
Voter Registration Resources
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College encourages all students to register to vote in State and Federal Elections. Voter Registration and Election Date information for the State of Louisiana can be found at Louisiana Secretary of State Website. Office of Student Services at each campus will help students to answer the questions and fill out the application forms.
ADA Coordinator provides one-on-one assistance with completing and submitting Voter Registration forms to students with disabilities on an ongoing basis and during authorized voter registration periods. For more information, please contact ADA Coordinator at your campus.
A consortium agreement may be established between Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College (known as the Home Institution) and another college (known as the Host Institution) in order to include courses taken at a Host Institution when financial aid enrollment status is calculated.
For more details about this agreements, please go to and scroll down until you see Consortium Agreements.
For your convenience, a Multi-Year Tuition Calculator is located on the College Navigator web site. Search for “Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College,” select the “Tuition, Fees, and Estimated Expenses” tab, and click on the calculator icon. Students interested in calculating the cost of their attendance at the College may access the Net Price Calculator web page. For actual tuition and fee charges, a tuition and fees schedule is included in the NLTCC Student Handbook/Catalog and on the NLTCC Tuition and Fees section of the admissions page.
The cost of attendance for a student is an estimate of that student's educational expenses for the period of enrollment. The cost of attendance budget is determined by annually reviewing the cost of living in the community in the following components:
- Tuition/Fees
- Books and Supplies
- Room and Board
- Transportation
- Personal/Miscellaneous
Additionally, there is a component for child care for those students who have dependent children in need of care. Documentation is required.
The cost of attending NLTCC varies depending upon a student’s enrollment status (full-time, part-time, half-time, etc…) NLTCC estimated costs for full-time students for the academic year are found on the cost of attendance spreadsheet.
The total award package must not exceed the cost of attendance budget.
NLTCC adopts the Louisiana Association of Financial Aid Administrators (LASFAA) averages and estimated cost for students in the State of Louisiana.
LASFAA adopts these standard budgets and recommends their use by all undergraduate and proprietary schools. As always, Financial Aid Administrators may make adjustments to the Cost of Attendance to allow for treatment of students with special circumstances, including dependent care.
Drop: Students who drop a course after the official enrollment day (14th day Spring/Fall and 7th day in Summer) will receive a grade of (W). There will be no penalty for dropped courses nor will the course(s) appear on the students’ transcript if the course is dropped before the official enrollment day.
Withdrawal: If a student wishes to drop all courses in which he/she is enrolled, a Withdrawal form must be completed. Faculty may drop students for excessive absences if the student misses 10% of the class. The academic calendar for each semester has the latest date to withdraw without receiving a failing grade. Click on withdrawal for more details about the process and procedure.
Questions regarding dropping from a class or withdrawing from college and its’ procedure and process may be directed to your campus’ Office of Student Services.
For more information regarding this and how it affects Title IV return (potentially having to owe money), please refer to Returning Title IV Funds section.
For more information regarding how it affects Satisfactory Academic Progress, please refer to the NLTCC’s SAP Policy.
Questions how it affects your financial aid, please contact your campus’ financial aid officer.
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College complies with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Amendments of 1989 (PL 101-226 in Federal Law).
The prevention plan is also available for you to review. Learn more about drug and alcohol prevention programs.
The Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989 requires that all students be notified annually of NLTCC’s Alcohol and Drug Policy in the NLTCC Student Handbook/Catalog. Other policies regarding student conduct and sanctions for violations can be found in NLTCC Student Handbook/Catalog. Questions regarding the alcohol and drug-free policy may be directed to your campus’ Office of Student Services.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of the student’s permanent educational records.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student educational records and affords students certain rights to inspect, review, request amendment, consent to disclosure, and file complaints regarding their educational records. More information about FERPA is available at NLTCC Student Handbook. It is found on pages 42-43 of the Catalog/Handbook.
Students also have the right under FERPA to refuse to permit the College to publish or disclose certain Directory Information items pertaining to them. If a student does not want directory information regarding him or her to be released, the student must login to LoLA to set the appropriate privacy settings.
For more information about the student’s rights under FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
In compliance with the disclosure requirements under the HEA and HEOA, we are advising all currently enrolled students of the federal student financial aid penalties for drug law violations. If you are convicted of any offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs while you are enrolled at NLTCC and receiving financial aid under Title IV, HEA program funds, such a conviction will result in the loss of your eligibility for Title IV (Pell Grant) and work-study assistance (FWS). If the offense occurred outside of an enrollment period, the student is eligible to receive funding.
When completing the Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Free Application, students self-certify and respond to questions regarding drug convictions. Should a conviction occur after a student has submitted the FAFSA, the student must immediately notify Student Financial Services. A conviction denotes a conviction that is on a student’s record. A conviction that was reversed, set aside, or removed from the student’s record is not relevant for these purposes. In addition, it is not a determination or adjudication arising out of a juvenile proceeding.
An illegal drug is a controlled substance as defined by section 102(6) of the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) (Title 21 of the United States Code section 802), and does not include alcohol or tobacco.
Possession of Illegal Drugs | Period of Ineligibility |
First Offense | Ineligible for one year after date of conviction |
Second Offense | Ineligible for two years after date of conviction |
Third Offense | Ineligible indefinitely after date of conviction |
Sale of Illegal Drugs | Period of Ineligibility |
First Offense | Ineligible for two years after date of conviction |
Second Offense | Ineligible indefinitely after date of conviction |
To learn more about how violation of drug laws might affect your ability to receive federal financial aid, should contact the Campus’ Financial Aid Officer or online at: More information about drug convictions and federal aid eligibility.
Information concerning the estimated program cost, including tuition and fees, deferred payment plan, refund policy, etc, please contact your campus’ student services department.
Consumer disclosure information relating to financial aid includes: cost of attendance, description of need and non-need aid types, application procedures and forms, student eligibility requirements, students rights and responsibilities, criteria for selection of recipients and awarding funds, disbursement information, refund and repayment policies, satisfactory academic progress policy for financial aid, and appeal procedures.. All of this information can be accessed on the NLTCC’s Financial Aid page as well as the financial aid policies section or by emailing Chief Financial Aid Officer at [email protected]. VA/Military benefits information can be found on the Financial Aid page or by contacting your campus’ financial aid officer who also serves as VA School Certifying Official.
More information on the type of financial aid available, how to apply, and more go to NLTCC’s Financial Aid page or contact your campus’ financial aid officer.
Refunds for Federal Pell grant are being processed within 21 business days after the 14th/7th class day or within 14 calendar days after the scheduled disbursement date. Refunds for other funds such as TOPS, GO GRANT, and Veteran’s Benefits will begin once the funding has been received, if applicable. Once the funds have been applied to your student account, and it is determined that you are due a refund, NLTCC will electronically submit the refund information to BankMobile. BankMobile will disburse your refund to the student account according to the refund preference the student chose. For more information about BankMoblie, please click here.
EXCEPTION: Aid funds will not be disbursed until you have started class. If you are enrolled in “late start” classes, your disbursement will be delayed or reduced until you have begun attendance in all classes. Note, per Dept of Education:” …must confirm that: if the disbursement occurs on or after the first day of classes, that the student has begun attendance.” For further information you may contact your Campus’ Financial Aid Officer.
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College recognizes the faculty members’ right and responsibility to award a fair and impartial grade. Likewise, the college recognizes the importance of the grade received by the student and the student’s right to have the evaluation system is fair and equitable. An appeals process has been put in place for students questioning their grades.
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College must comply with the state immunization law. This law requires certain full-time students to provide documentation concerning their immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. Provide proof of immunization from measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and diphtheria if born after 1956 (on state-approved form) as per Louisiana Revised Statute 17:170.10 or sign the immunization waiver form in the on-line application for admission.
Questions may be addressed to the Student Services Office at your campus.
Federal Pell Grant – Students who are eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant will have a lifetime limit of 12 full-time semesters or six full years of eligibility. This policy is retroactive to whenever a student first received a Federal Pell grant and includes payments received at colleges or universities that the student had attended prior to NLTCC.
NLTCC is prohibited under federal regulations from making any false, erroneous, or misleading statement directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student, member of the public, accrediting agency, state agency, or to the Department of Education. Misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive or confuse. A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally, or through other means. This includes student testimonials given under duress or because such testimonial was required to participate in a program. Federal regulations further provide that substantial misrepresentation is any misrepresentation on which the person to whom it was made could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person’s detriment. The regulations regarding misrepresentation describe misrepresentation with respect to:
- Nature of the education program
- Nature of financial charges
- Employability of graduate
- Relationship with the Department of Education. A Title IV eligible school may not describe its participation in a way that suggests approval or endorsement by the Department of Education of the quality of its educational programs.
Any violation of this directive will be taken seriously and the College will ensure that it is not repeated. View the Misrepresentation Policy here.
The Net Price Calculator is a tool to help you identify your total cost of attending NLTCC. This tool uses institutional data to provide estimated net price for current and prospective students and their families based on a student’s individual circumstances. This calculator allows students to calculate an estimated net price of attendance (defined as cost of attendance minus grants and scholarships) based on what similar NLTCC students paid in the previously.
Enrollment, Graduation, and Retention data can be found on the college navigator.
Refund Policy
A student who resigns from the College may be entitled to some refund of tuition, and certain fees. The amount of the refund, if any, will depend upon the amounts paid by the student and the date of withdrawal. Refunds are automatically generated by the college; therefore, the student is not required to request a refund. NLTCC Policy 5.022
- Refunds may be subject to an administrative fee of $15 per refund transaction (regardless of the number of credit hours dropped or upon withdrawal from the college).
- Refunds, when due, will be made within 30 days of (1) the withdrawal date as documented on the Drop/Add/Reinstatement form or (2) the date the institution determines the student has withdrawn.
- If the College cancels a class, then 100% of all tuition and fees paid will be refunded and an administrative fee will not be assessed.
Refund of tuition and fees for the fall, spring, and summer semesters is made on the following basis upon a reduction in credit hours or official withdrawal from the College:
- Up to the 1st 5 days of each part of term: 100% of tuition and fees.
- On or beyond the 6th day after the part of term begins, no refund will be given.
Tuition, fees, and other charges relating to Continuing Education and Business and Industry Training are not refundable unless the training course is canceled by the College.
Pursuant to the Louisiana Community and Technical College System Policy #5.007, a formal appeals process shall be in place for hearing complaints due to denial of all or part of a student’s refund.
NOTE: In accordance with Title IV of the Higher Education Act Amendments, refunds of tuition and fees for Pell Grant recipients shall be made to the Pell Grant program and not to the student.
NLTCC uses the “Return of Title IV Funds Policy” in accordance with the 2008 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
- Return of Title IV Aid – The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 established the concept that financial aid must be earned through class attendance. When you totally withdraw from all classes, The Financial Aid Office must calculate the amount of financial aid you have earned prior to withdrawing. Any Title IV aid received in excess of the earned amount is considered unearned. Unearned aid must be returned to the respective Federal Aid program(s).
- Return of Aid Programs – Unearned aid amounts are to be returned to Title IV financial aid programs: Federal Pell Grant Program. Any amount remaining after the applicable programs have been fully repaid is returned to the student. A 100% credit for the term affected will be given in the event of the student’s death. The Return of Title IV Aid calculation will be based on the official notification of the date of death.
- Earned Aid – A student has not earned 100% of their financial aid until s/he has attended more than 60% of the term. If a financial aid recipient totally withdraws on or before the 60% point of the term, there is a portion of the aid that has not been earned. The percentage of earned aid is determined by taking the number of days attended divided by the total number of days in the term. For example:
Please NOTE: We will adjust your financial aid awards according to the last date you attended class, not the day you withdraw.
- Days Student Attended Prior to Withdrawing 37
- Divided by Total Days in the Semester 100
- Equals Percentage of Earned Aid 37%
Unearned Aid – The percentage of unearned aid is calculated by subtracting the earned percentage from 100%. The unearned aid in the previous example is determined by the following formula:
- 100% Aid Percentage 100%
- Minus Percentage of Earned Aid 37%
- Equals Percentage of Unearned Aid 63%
Return of Unearned Aid Amount – Once the earned and unearned aid percentages are determined, the next step is to calculate the dollar amount of total unearned aid that must be returned. The Return of Unearned Aid Amount is determined by multiplying the unearned aid percentage by the total of all Title IV aid disbursed or eligible to be disbursed. The unearned aid percentage of 63% would be multiplied by the student’s total aid disbursed:
- Percentage of Unearned Aid 63%
- Multiplied by Total Aid Received(*example) *$2,345.00
- Equals Unearned Aid Amount $1,477.35
Return of Fees – The unearned aid portion is repaid by both the student and the school. The school can use any fee adjustment refund generated by the withdrawal to pay the portion it owes back. However, depending on the time of withdrawal, the student may also be responsible for repaying a portion of his/her fees that had been previously paid by the financial aid. In almost every instance, the fee refund will be less than the total Return of Unearned Aid Amount. As a result, when a student withdraws, a balance will be created for the difference between the fee refund and the Return of Unearned Aid Amount. The student is responsible for paying this balance. Keeping with the above example, after a student completes 37 days of the term, s/he is eligible for a 25% fee refund per the Account Receivable’s Office published calendar. This means 25% of the student’s fees are credited to the student’s account, which can affect the student’s portion of aid owed back to the College:
- Unearned Aid Amount $1477.35
- Minus 25% Fee Refund (*example) *$586.30
- Equals Difference on Account $891.05
Post-Withdrawal Disbursements – If a student totally withdraws from a semester and receives less federal aid than the amount earned, then the student may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. The student must have met all of the conditions for a late disbursement prior to withdrawing. Grant funds will automatically be applied towards outstanding charges created by the withdrawal.
Dropping All Classes – To avoid financial penalties and aid adjustments, make sure you drop all classes prior to the beginning of the semester. If you drop all classes prior to the start of the semester, you will not be considered a student for that semester and, thus, not entitled to receive any form of financial aid. Your aid will be cancelled and returned to the appropriate program(s). If you drop all your classes close to the beginning of the semester, and you have already received financial aid, you will be required to repay the entire amount of aid disbursed to you. Once the semester starts on the first day, you have begun to earn aid and a Return of Title IV Aid calculation must be completed.
Failing ALL Classes – If you fail all of your classes in a semester, you may be subject to a Return of Title IV Aid calculation. If you have “earned” at least one of your “F”s (i.e., attended class for at least one course until the end of the term and received an F for poor performance), then no calculation is required. However, if you received all Fs because you stopped attending or never attended courses prior to the 60% point in the semester, then a Return of Title IV Aid calculation is required. This is considered an unofficial withdrawal and the 50% point of the semester will be used as the withdrawal date. An account balance will be created if the calculation results in the return of financial aid.
Future Aid Eligibility – Withdrawing may affect your eligibility to receive financial aid in subsequent terms. Upon withdrawal, you should notify the Student Financial Aid Office when you plan to return so we can make necessary adjustments to your financial aid
The Guide to the Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct of Students has been prepared by the Chief Student Affairs Officer and Student Services committee members and is reviewed and updated annually (and on as need basis) to serve as a ready reference to the major policies relevant to students at Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College. Download/view the NLTCC Student Handbook/Catalog
Students receiving federal student aid have certain legal rights and legal responsibilities.
Legal rights of financial aid recipients
Students receiving federal student aid have certain legal rights. Students’ rights include the following:
- What financial aid programs are available such as Pell Grants, Federal Work Study, State Aid, and Scholarships.
- How to apply for aid and how eligibility is determined.
- The deadline for submitting applications for each of the programs.
- How financial aid is determined in general.
- Be informed of financial aid policies and procedures
- The requirements for continued eligibility (See the SAP policy)
- The cost of attending at NLTCC. See the Cost of Attendance and the NLTCC Net Price Calculator.
- The resources considered in calculating the individual financial need.
- NLTCC's Return and Repayment of Title IV aid policy.
- The financial aid disbursement procedures.
- The satisfactory academic progress requirements (SAP policy) and procedures for aid recipients.
- The general conditions and terms under the federal work-study program.
- Appeal procedures for financial aid decision. (See the SAP policy and SAP Appeal Form)
- Information about the student’s rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Legal responsibilities of financial aid recipients
Students receiving federal student aid have certain legal responsibilities. Student responsibilities include the following:
- Notify the Financial Aid Office immediately if you withdraw from school or reduce enrollment status.
- Be aware of the consequences of withdrawing or stop attending.
- Meet and maintain satisfactory academic progress requirements.
- Complete all application and requested forms accurately and submit them on time.
- Provide correct information (misreporting information on financial aid forms is a violation of the law and may be considered a criminal offense).
- Use financial aid funds solely for educational purposes.
- Promptly return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and new information requested by the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted your application
- Inform the Financial Aid Office and Student Service Office of any name, address, or Social Security number change.
- Read, understand, and keep copies of all forms that you are asked to sign.
- Accept responsibility for all agreements that you sign.
- Inform the Financial Aid Office of any income change, including earnings, scholarships, waivers, private loans, etc.
- Declare a degree seeking program approved for Pell and to only enroll in classes that are part of this program. Financial aid cannot pay for classes that do not count towards that degree at NLTCC.
- Read the NLTCC Financial Aid Polices.
NLTCC has a contracted, official online bookstore, TBC OnCourse, a division of Texas Book Company. Information regarding textbooks (ISBN, price, etc.) for specific courses can be found by navigating to the NLTCC Online Bookstore, select the program you are studying. A book voucher is an advance on your financial aid refund that allows you to purchase or rent books and purchase supplies at the NLTCC Online Bookstore.
Prior to the upcoming semester by a certain deadline, the bookstore is provided the following requested information from NLTCC:
- Semester (Term)
- Campus (Branch)
- Program
- Dept/Course Number
- Course Title
- Author
- Title
- Edition
- Publisher
- Count (number to reserve which matches the maximum student enrollment for the course)
Questions concerning textbooks/supplies for specific course – please consult with your instructor or student services department at your campus.
NLTCC has an established Tier 1 arrangement with BankMobile for the delivery of Title IV student refunds and this contract disclosure provides the refunds agreement, and amendments.
- To view NLTCC's contract with BankMobile, please click here.
For your convenience, a Multi-Year Tuition Calculator is located on the College Navigator web site. Search for “Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College,” select the “Tuition, Fees, and Estimated Expenses” tab, and click on the calculator icon. Students interested in calculating the cost of their attendance at the College may access the Net Price Calculator web page. For actual tuition and fee charges, a tuition and fees schedule is included in the NLTCC Student Handbook/Catalog and on the NLTCC Tuition and Fees section of the admissions page.
Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College encourages all students to register to vote in State and Federal Elections. Voter Registration and Election Date information for the State of Louisiana can be found at Louisiana Secretary of State Website. Office of Student Services at each campus will help students to answer the questions and fill out the application forms.
ADA Coordinator provides one-on-one assistance with completing and submitting Voter Registration forms to students with disabilities on an ongoing basis and during authorized voter registration periods. For more information, please contact ADA Coordinator at your campus.
Withdrawal from coursework may jeopardize your current and future financial aid eligibility. If you withdraw or are asked to withdraw, you must inform the Financial Aid Office immediately. Depending on the length of your enrollment for the academic period, you may be required to repay all or part of the aid you received to the U.S. Department of Education and/or Northwest Louisiana Technical Community College. Make certain that you read and following excerpts from NLTCC Withdrawal Policy.
It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the College. Students, who stop attending but do not complete and submit a Withdrawal Form to the Student Services Office, may remain on the class roll, and may be assigned a grade of “F” by the instructor.
Students, who officially withdraw from NLTCC on or before the last date to withdraw will receive a grade of (“W”) in each enrolled course. The course and grade of “W” will be posted to the student’s permanent record, but will not be included in the calculation of the semester/session or cumulative grade point average. Withdrawal from the College may impact their financial aid and other (e.g. insurance coverage) status.
A student, who finds it necessary to withdraw from the college, should begin the process by securing the proper forms from the Student Services Office. Please note the refund policy and deadline date as listed in the Academic Calendar.
To withdraw from the College, a student must:
- Print and complete a copy of the College Withdrawal Form
- Sign and date the form
- Have the form signed by the Department Head or Instructor
- Have the form signed by Financial Aid Officer
- Submit the completed form to the Student Services Office
A student is not officially withdrawn from the college until the request is received in the Student Services Office. Administrative withdrawals are allowed in emergency situations. For questions pertaining to withdrawal and financial aid, please contact your campus financial aid officer.