Communication and Online Learning
Our Adult Education classes at Northwest Louisiana Community Technical College offer options and flexibility for you to balance learning with your other responsibilities, like work and family. There are some important things to know about how to stay connected with your instructors, classes, and the technology we use to help support your educational as well as career goals.
Northwest's Adult Education program will communicate with you in a variety of ways, from the time you complete the online application and beyond! We want to help you stay motivated and keep moving towards your goals, so here are some of the ways we will keep in touch:
Having an email account is required to complete your application for Adult Education services, as well as for staying connected with our program, your instructors, and applying for employment!
- One of the most popular, reliable, and FREE email platforms is Gmail, offered by Google.
- If you already have an email account set up, make sure you trust emails from the domain so you don't miss any of our communications!
- Review some of these tips regarding basic internet and email safety to protect your privacy and passwords as well.
Red the Navigator is a friendly A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) chatbot named after our mascot at Northwest Louisiana Technical and Community College, because when you are a student in Adult Education you are a part of our whole college community!
- Red checks in with our students periodically and provides resources for any challenges they might be facing.
- Red also responds 24 hours a day/7 days a week to any questions you may have, such as "How do I contact my teacher?", or "I need help finding childcare so I can go to class".
- Red will send an initial introductory "HELLO" text message to every Adult Education student, so make sure we have your accurate cell phone number and add Red the Navigator to your phone contacts.
- Text Red questions any time, day or night! If you need more information or want to talk with a friendly human, then Red can also send a message to program staff so someone will follow up with you during regular business hours.
Remind is a simple and safe text-messaging tool that helps us communicate efficiently with our students by texting information and reminders related to your classes, campus and community events (like career fairs), and important deadlines (like scholarship application dates).
- Remind messages are not sent from personal cell phone numbers but through a number assigned by the Remind app. An iOS and Android app is available.
- A smartphone is not necessary to send or receive Remind messages. However, you must be able to receive texts and standard text messaging rates apply.
- If you cannot receive texts you can sign up to receive Remind messages by email.
- Review more information about Remind here!
Even though you may PREFER to have all your instruction and work online because it seems convenient, it can present other challenges. At Northwest, we find that our Adult Education students do best if they have a combination of in-person class time paired up with some great online modules, tutoring, assessments, and resources that can help you learn your best, and BE your best!
- Talk to your teacher: Speak up if you have problems, including if you are struggling with computer skills and/or internet access! It can be harder for a teacher to know if you’re confused or frustrated, so if you are having troubles, communicate with your instructor immediately. Make sure you have the right emails or phone numbers, and know the times the teachers and staff are available to communicate with you.
- Manage your time: It can be easy to procrastinate or become distracted when you have classes or work to complete online. Develop good habits, stick to a schedule, and hold yourself accountable. Plan enough time in your day for your work so that you are never rushed to complete assignments.
- Create a good study space: In addition to good time management, having a peaceful place to consistently study is important. Find a place away from distractions, such as a loud TV or family. Silence or turn off your cell phone, and don’t become distracted by the internet or video games. Make sure you have a good chair to avoid back and hip pain. Set up good lighting to avoid eye fatigue, and try to get up occasionally to stretch your legs.
- Get organized: Create reminders for assignments and use a calendar to create a schedule. Organize your study area. Take notes, bookmark important material, and have an organizational system to find what you need to succeed.
- Create online study groups: Ask classmates to join you in an online or in-person study group. Discuss assignments and practice material over video chat. This is also a great way to socialize and create an even bigger support system.
Access to affordable technology and digital literacy skills are a necessity for all ages-especially adult learners coming back to school. When families or individuals are cut off from technology and lack the skills to utilize it most effectively (and safely), they are disconnected from basic needs like education, workforce participation, healthcare, ​social support, and emergency assistance.
Northwest's Adult Education program can help build your digital skills and connect you with access to low cost computers and reliable internet through the resources below: